Ten Cents Pieces
1836 Bust Dime - Good/VG
Fuba CoinsFew letter details of LIBERTY still shows. Motto is readable on the back.
$35.00 -
1836 Bust Dime - Very Good
Fuba CoinsFull Liberty. Some hair and feather details still show.
$50.00 -
1837 Bust Dime - Very Good
Fuba CoinsLIBERTY and some hair show. Partial Motto and a few feathers
$55.00 -
1837 Seated Dime - No Star Large Date Very Good
Fuba CoinsNo Star, Large Date Variety. Partial LIBERTY shows
$100.00 -
1837 Seated Dime - No Star Large Date Very Good
Fuba CoinsNo Star Large Date. Partial LIBERTY shows
$100.00 -
1837 Seated Dime - No Star Small Date Good
Fuba CoinsNo Star Small Date. Major details are distinctly outlined
$70.00 -
1838 Seated Dime - Large Star Very Good Scratch
Fuba CoinsLarge Star. Partial LIBERTY Scratches on front
$22.00 -
1839-O Seated Dime - AG
Fuba CoinsAll major details show on the front. Rims on back are worn into the details. Mint Mark still shows.
$13.50 -
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